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1. What is your favourite animal?
Has to be our dog Diesel. A gorgeous, intelligent, and fiercely loyal Belgium Shepherd.
2. What club are you a member of?
Ballyvally and Wicklow Archers.
3. What is your preferred shooting style?
WA Traditional and Longbow
4. How did you get into archery?
My son shot as a child for years and I followed him around but a very persistent Mr. Mulligan kept at me to try it, and I eventually give in and I never imagined I would actually like it.
5. Who is your favourite fictional archer?
Robin Hood.
6. What is your favourite competition type?
Absolutely 3D!
7. Would you rather do archery whilst riding a Unicorn or a Pegasus?
8. What is the oddest thing you have seen during a competition?
When scoring, someone’s arrow had pinned a wasp to the target.
9. What is the best shot you have made in a competition?
My first target competition, it was at Boucher Road in Belfast. I shot a 10 and it was a Robin Hood. Unfortunately it was in the back of Jake Walsh’s arrow!
10. Which fictious archers would you want on your side for team match?
Katniss Everdeen with her winning mindset and skills.
11. What are your goals in archery?
To keep it fun.
12. What is your proudest achievement in the sport?
To have had the opportunity to represent GB&NI and Ireland internationally.
13. What is the best advise you have been given in archery?
“Shoot your shot sequence on every arrow.” If I can do this throughout a competition I know I have done my very best regardless of the outcome.
14. How to you think you would of fared in the stone age with a bow and arrows?
I don’t think I would have starved! Shooting trad and longbow I think would give me the edge.
15. What is the one thing you really enjoy in the sport?
The friends I have made at home and around the world. Also I love being outdoors and when you are shooting you are so focused for that day, whatever is going on in life gets put on hold.
16. What one thing in the sport irritates you the most?
Rain and wet feathers. And I’m getting a little older so I detest being wet and cold.
17. What would you like to see in terms of improvement within archery as a sport?
Coaching/Training in Ireland for competitive 3D adult archers.
18. What do you think would make a great mascot for the sport of archery?
I think an owl, known for their keen precision, skill and focus.
19. Who is your most fervent supporter?
My husband, he’s amazing, my number one!
20. If you could shoot another bow style, what would it be?
Haha. I have shot barebow. Recurve, longbow, and now trad (no interest in compound!), but my favourite is the simplicity of ‘stick and string’ (longbow and wooden arrows) can’t beat the challenge of hitting the target with all 3 arrows and the feeling of when you hit the gold.
21. What is your favourite shooting venue?
Greenmount in the autumn.
22. What would make a great 3D target?
Xenomorph (my husband is an Alien fan).
23. What would get more people into archery?
I had no interest whatsoever when my son started archery. It wasn’t until Mr. Mulligan handed me a bow and asked me to have a try that I found it so challenging and rewarding. So I think more have-a-go events potentially. But on the whole archery is not well known/recognised sport here, and under funded.