
Archers Talkin’ Archery – Renee McDowell

1 – What is your favourite animal?

Definitely a dog.

We have a mad Belgian Malinois who doesn’t have an off switch. He’s very intelligent, protective and has me wrapped round his paws, especially when it comes to opening the treat jar. Thankfully he hasn’t figured out yet that he can jump the garden fence but he has chased a few cats to the top of it!

2 – What club are you a member of?

Lough Cuan Bowmen

3 – What is your preferred shooting style?

I’m currently shooting barebow and still learning the basics of archery. I like the way the barebow means I have to concentrate on aiming and trying to be consistent when drawing. Doesn’t always work out though and there have been a few stray arrows just hanging on the corner of the target. I definitely need a lot more practice!

4 – How did you get into archery?

Our motorbike club arranged a ‘have a go’ archery event at a rally and it was really successful. We then visited Dragon Archery in Devon as part of a birthday present and that was me hooked. Once home I contacted LCB to get on a beginners course. It took a while and I’m sure the secretary was fed up with the emails but I got there in the end.

5 – Who is your favourite fictional archer?

I’m a massive Tolkien fan so it has to be Legolas from Lord of the Rings.

6 – What is your favourite competition type?

I haven’t entered any competitions yet as my intention was just to enjoy archery with the goal of being able to consistently shoot a reasonable score. However, having seen the various posts which show how much fun people are having, it might be something I think about as a challenge for 2025.  I quite fancy having a go at the 3D archery as it looks really fun.

7 – Would you rather do archery whilst riding a unicorn or a pegasus?

Would have to say a Unicorn as it could use its magical powers to help me hit the target!

8 – What is the oddest thing you have seen during a competition?

I haven’t been to any competitions yet.

9 – What is the best shot you have made in a competition?

I haven’t been to any competitions yet but I was ‘last man standing’ on the last day of the beginners course so I’m counting that!

10 – Which fictitious archers would you want on your side for a team match?

Legolas would have to feature again and Tauriel. With those two in the team I wouldn’t need to score much for the team to win.

11 – What are your goals in archery?

As I’m still learning, my goals are very simple for now. Practice more; improve my technique and accuracy and above all enjoy myself.

12 – What is your proudest achievement in the sport?

Last man standing at the beginners’ course!

13 – What is the best advice you have been given in archery?

Don’t rush, find your anchor point and try to be consistent with each draw.

14 – How do you think you would have fared in the stone age with a bow and arrows?

I most definitely would have been a vegetarian as I don’t imagine I could have hit anything smaller than a wolly mammoth. Maybe this time next year will be different.

15 – What is the one thing you really enjoy in the sport?

The challenge of trying to improve on my previous shot.

16 – What one thing in the sport irritates you the most?

Haven’t come across anything yet but it’s still early days.

17 – What would you like to see in terms of improvement within archery as a sport?

I don’t think I know enough yet to make any suggestions for improvement.

18 – What do you think would make a great mascot for the sport of archery?

Legolas on a unicorn with a barebow.

19 – Who is your most fervent supporter?

Definitely my hubby Michael. Always turns negatives into positives and encourages me to keep going no matter what.

20 – If you could shoot another bow style, what would it be?

I quite fancy trying the longbow but having watched a few LCB members shooting longbow, I really need to significantly improve my barebow shooting before thinking about it.

21 – What is your favourite shooting venue?

I’ve only shot at Blair Mayne Leisure Complex and Ards Rugby Club so far. I definitely prefer being outdoors at the Rugby Club.

22 – What would make a great 3D target?

Probably already exists but maybe a phoenix or a peacock with the feathers offering the highest scoring.

23 – What would get more people into archery?

Possibly more promotion of the local clubs. I only knew about LCB as a friend of my husband was a member. It was also quite difficult to get a response to requests to join a beginners course.

24 – What lesser-known competition type should be a more popular/frequent event?

I’m not yet familiar with the various competitions but there appears to be something for everyone no matter how much time you want to spend on the activity.

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