The Archer’s Compass, Part I Sophocles’ Philoctetes is such a tale. A story, not of victory, but of exile. Picture him there on that…
The Cruelty of Tension
C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia is a work so steeped in allegory that every element feels laden with meaning. Among these, the bow—gifted to Susan Pevensie—stands out as a symbol not only of strength and discipline but of choice, a curious mix of autonomy and submission to a higher purpose. I often reflect on this choice as I hold manuscripts in my hands, wondering if the writer truly understands the weapon they wield. A bow, after all, is not a casual gift. It demands skill, precision, and faith, not unlike the very act of writing itself. Lewis was a writer who understood the importance of symbols. His life, punctuated by tragedy and a long wrestling match with faith, shaped his fiction in profound ways. Raised in a bookish home, he lost his mother at a young age and endured the horrors of the First World War—a crucible that left him both skeptical of shallow optimism and hungry for meaning.