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ANDREW’S 20 Questions – #23 Deidre Shannon
Hello Deidre and welcome to the TIFAM magazine and specifically my monthly 20 question interview. I am enjoying getting to know a bit about you and as you point out it is Deidre with only one r and you also tell me you have another exciting away trip coming up very soon. We had a nice chat at the Bowhunter champs and I hope to get to shoot with you some day soon to talk further about international destinations etc. Righto 20 questions, lets make a start. How did you get into archery?My son wanted to try archery, so because I had to take him, I decided to give it a go as well. This was about 19 (ish) years ago. He drifted away from it when he went to college – I kept it up. Your first shoot, when where, with who etc ?My first big “away” shoot was at Kendal Bowmen Andrew and…...